Tuesday, June 25, 2024 News 69
Dear Veetelers, We wish you the best of luck with your upcoming exams (and if you have them) resits! Only a few weeks until the summer holiday! Don't forget to take a break now and then, you can always take a break in the Veetelersroom! The Board
Tuesday, May 21, 2024 News 167
Dear Veetelers, Time flies, we are already in the second week of period 6. We hope that you enjoy the last weeks filled with activities, before the summer holiday starts! We hope to see you at one of the upcoming activities, such as the Board Change, Véater or the Farmersgames! The Board.


The committees are the breathing organ of the study association. They are responsible for organization of activities and other relevant issues of the study association.


We organize activities of a lot of different themes. If you are interested in joining one of the multiple activities you should check out the agenda.


The activities of the study association are documented in the form of photos. We shoot a lot of pictures at our activities, as we are trying to capture our members at their most enjoyable moments.


"The most active study association of Wageningen."

De Veetelers

Our Association

De Veetelers is the study association for Animal Sciences students of Wageningen University and Research. The study association was founded in 1962. Although, the study association might seem old, this is considered the strength of the association. As the study association is very active and has multiple sub-associations. All in all, De Veetelers is a perfect fit for every Animal Sciences student.

board De Veetelers

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Head Sponsors

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