Sub-association for dairy farming

Members: ± 300
The Rundvee Fokkerij Studieclub (RFS) is a sub-association of study association "De Veetelers". The board has six enthusiastic cow lovers who aim to organize about five day excursions per year and also a host of other interesting activities. The purpose of the RFS is to show the members as much of the practice as possible, because the practical part of the study is often a bit flawed. We go with the students to cattle farmers, test accommodations or for example compound feed companies. A study evening is also organized under the name 'RFS Academy'. During the RFS Academy, an attempt is made to bridge the gap between theory and practice about a particular theme. A Binex and a Buitex are also organized annually. These are multi-day excursions in the Netherlands and abroad, respectively. At the beginning of the academic year, the General Members' Meeting (GMM) takes place every year, where members of the board are exchanged, the annual statement is shown and the members of all the other ins and outs are kept up-to-date. In conclusion, an informative and actual presentation is always held by a guest speaker. In addition, the cattle judging are inextricably linked to the RFS. Every year, a group of enthusiastic members is prepared to compete during the national student championships cattle judging (LSCV), where the RFS represents Wageningen University & Research. 
In short, the RFS offers a wide range of entertainment for every cow lover! 
With kind regards,
RFS Board,
Arjen Peters – President 
Loraine Olthuis – Secretary
Ties te Braake – Treasurer 
Bart Stuijk
Lotte Reuver                   
Eline de Boer



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