Dear Veetelers, 

We wish you the best of luck with your upcoming exams (and if you have them) resits! Only a few weeks until the summer holiday! Don't forget to take a break now and then, you can always take a break in the Veetelersroom! 

The Board

Dear Veetelers, 

Time flies, we are already in the second week of period 6. We hope that you enjoy the last weeks filled with activities, before the summer holiday starts! We hope to see you at one of the upcoming activities, such as the Board Change, Véater or the Farmersgames! 

The Board. 

Dear Veetelers,

We wish you good luck with the exams over the next two weeks. And if you don't have any resits, enjoy your week off! Need a break while studying in the Library? Come have a coffee in the Veetelersroom.

The board.

Dear Veetelers, 

We hope that you have gotten through the period well, now that the last week of the period is already halfway finished. This week we have a busy schedule with lots of fun activities, we hope to see you during the Board Change Drink!

The Board. 

Dear Veetelers,


We wish you all the best for 2024! Hopefully you had a great holiday, and are now ready for the new period. 

We hope to see you during one of the upcoming activities!


The board