
BTF/TI Burgers' Zoo Excursion

BTF/TI Burgers' Zoo Excursion
vr, 26. april 2019, 09:00 h - 16:30 h


Dear (inter)national Veetelers,

Friday the 26th of April
Team International and BTF will organize an excursion to Burgers' Zoo in Arnhem. This will be a full day excursion starting at 9.00 am, when we will gather at the central bus station of Wageningen. From there we will travel by public transport to Burgers' Zoo, so be in time so you don't miss the bus. At 11.30 we will get a guided tour through the Bush area in the zoo.

National veeteler or
BTF members can subscribe for this excursion through the veeteler site only.
There will be a waiting list.

International veeteler students can subscribe by sending an e-mail to Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken..

Costs for the excursion are €16,- if you are a
member of BTF or an International veeteler student.

Otherwise the costs will be €23,- to participate.

Travel costs are not included.

So don't forget to bring your OV chip card or a normal bankcard to transfer money with.
Busses don't take cash anymore so these are the only options to pay for your travels.
A one-way ticket from Wageningen bus station to Burgers Zoo costs €4,74 and  €3,13 with discount if you are using an OV chip card.

Subscription is binding.

~Mandatory education hours always come first. You are responsible for the consequences.~

We hope you  are enthusiastic to join the excursion!

Kind regards.

Team International and BTF


Max places:
Booked Places:
Available places: